have heard 'our' story so often that you can recite it verbatim. Don't worry, we won't bore you with it. . . unless of course you WANT to hear it again but I can go on for hours so be warned.

The question on everyone's lips. . . how are we now? Can the honeymoon be over before it's even begun? How is Rand adjusting to having someone underfoot 24/7? To answer your questions. . . we are, in Randy's words, still having a ball!

We will have known each other two years in June and, for me, it is as fresh and lovely now as it was the first day we met. Of course living together brings you up close and personal--'reveals all' as they say. . .

falls asleep clutching the remote and hogs the entire couch (so of course we went out and bought a chair/ottoman for me, which led to a new couch, which led to new coffee/end tables, which led. . . maybe we should stop while we're ahead. . . grin) and what is he watching that is so important? No, not Discovery Channel or ESPN. His favorites are Extreme Eliminations and Dog Eat Dog. Ugh. He CLAIMS he watches Dog Eat Dog for the trivia. . . I suppose it has nothing to do with the 'strip' dart throwing or the tight wet t-shirts.) A few hundred brain cells die everytime he grabs the remote!
Luckily, he has them to spare.

have taken over the computer (he has been trying valiantly to get his laptop to work but a little bird tells me we will be buying a laptop in the near future.) For the first few months, I used the 'hey, it's my job' to explain why my butt needed to be in the computer chair more than his. (Once a geek. . .) But it WAS my job and, once Rand realized that the girl's got skill, he added to the pile with some of his long-awaited projects. When he got really desperate for computer time, he would try and use the 'honey, I brought work home from the office' but within minutes I would hear the telltale sounds of pinball. Brat! I have 3 children and long ago perfected 'the squint-eyed glare' and, when combined with the 'hands on hips' stance, Rand has learned I mean business. Yeah right. Okay, he lets me think he's cowed, but the guffaws tell the real story. My smartest investment was an X-box last Christmas. Now, when I want design time, I challenge him to master the next mission. Ladies, that's the trick. . . get 'em a new toy and they will forget you even exist.

laugh, snuggle and play. I know it's hard to imagine, but Rand actually giggles. I have learned the hard way not to wrestle with him when we are more than two feet off the ground as it is my butt that ALWAYS lands on the floor. He has learned that if he wants to eat, he has to do the grocery shopping, the preparation and most of the cooking. . . or my personal preference
. . . make reservations. We
are completely happy and grateful for the grace that brought us together. . . finally!