Be sure to check out the Guest Itinerary to find out what's happening when
All guests click here to find out what's happening this week. Try to work us in to your schedule, as we really want to see you for more than a few hours on Saturday.


Weds. June 15th
- Picnic at Kailua Beach
(bring your own food)
6:00 - Bachelor Party
6:00 - Girls' Night Out
We will have the info posted by Monday so check back for more details or call us.

Fri. June 17th
10:00-4:00 - 'All hands on deck' - Setup at the YW
If you wake up Friday morning and just can't bear the thought of one more boring day at the beach (grin), by all means stop by and lend a hand as we set up for Saturday's event.
6:30 - 'Thank You' Dinner for all Out of Town Guests - All guests (local or out of town) are welcome. Spaghetti Factory at Ward - Randy and Karen host. Please email your RSVP or call us and leave a message.

more itinerary info...

Directions to the Wedding
Directions to the Reception

Contact Us

Bridal Party / Family Events and To Do's Click here to find out the latest times and dates of activities planned. Please note the Rehearsal Dinner on Thursday, June 16th. We meet in Waikiki at Duke's Statue at 6:30 for a walk-thru and then walk across the street to Pacific Beach Hotel/Oceanarium Restaurant for our Rehearsal Dinner. Reservations at 7:30. All Bridal Party requested to attend.

Bachelor Party/Girls' Night Out:

Well, we've finally set a time... 6:00pm... and a date... Wednesday, June 15th. Location still to be announced. Check back as we should have a location by Sunday.

Directions to the Wedding

Directions to the Reception

Contact Us

Calendar of Events
please join us for these events. . .
where we will be at any given time

Guest Itinerary
for local and out of town guests
what's happening when

Our Itinerary
for bridal party and family
comings, goings and 'must attends'

Tourist Hot Spots

links to our favorite o'ahu hangouts
and suggestions for 'must see' places to visit.

Local Happenings
links to island events in June

Guest Updates
travel and activity updates

Bridal Party Updates
countdown, assignments and
your 'to do' list. . .

Of course we want you to 'pay attention to us'
but if you want to explore the island without the benefit of the 'Randy and Karen Tour Guide Service' or escape the wedding chaos for a few hours (how rude. . . hey! wait for us. . . we want to come too!) the links above may help guide you.

Keep checking this section for last minute updates...